Coding with Delphi
On these pages I present some classes und functions for Delphi. All of them emerged from the developing of my mp3-player. Some of them are modified here, so that they can be used in a more general way.
As "Nemp" is an acronym for "Noch ein mp3-Player", "Memp" is one for "My elementary mp3-Player". It is a tutorial how to code a player based on the bass.dll. The Tutorial itself is in german only, but the code should be understandable for others, too. Read more ...
Audio Werkzeuge Bibliothek
If you want to cover more than mp3-files in your audio software, you should try the Audio Werkzeuge Bibliothek. The Mp3FileUtils from above are included there and some more classes for different kind of audio files like mp3, ogg, flac, ape, mpc and some others. Basic usage is very simple, but a detailed access to the inner structure of the metadata (Id3, Vorbis-Comments, Apev2) is possible. Read more ...
Note: Mp3FileUtils has become part of the Audio Werkzeuge Bibliothek. This version is no longer maintained.
This a comprehensive, but easy to use collection of classes dealing with mp3 files. Besides common attributes like artist, title, album you can readout detailed information from files like cover, lyrics or URLs. The ID3-Tag can be changed (including cover and all the other stuff) or removed. Even some absurd constructs like "store another mp3-file within the ID3-Tag" can be done with Mp3FileUtils. And yes, the files remain playable (on most players), even if you store a mp3-file with a stored mp3file in a third mp3file ... Read more ...
Scrobble with delphi
To Scrobble is some Web2.0 stuff invented by LastFM. It means that your current playlist is published on your user-account an LastFM. With this class you can teach your player to scrobble. Only a few modifications in your original player code are necessary. Read more ...
Fuzzy String Matching
Some functions for a fuzzy search in strings. Simplistic "Pos" allowing some errors like typos. Read more ...